Friday, March 29, 2013

Sim Day Results: Systems Integration

Today's Sim Day Results comes in the form of a few tips/reminders, rather than a list of rights and wrongs. This pretty much sums up my common mistake with this exercise. I only got one wrong, so I'm thinking I passed ;) 

TIP: Don't forget the P of MEP! Most of the problems in this exercise will have to do with the ceiling, but in a rare (and possibly phased-out) instance, we must look down. Conflicts with plumbing trenches and structural portions of the floor may arise. In addition to looking down, reference the building section provided. 

TIP: As I shared in this post, it's very important to use the building section provided. You might not need to solve every problem, but there will definitely be one or two which will prove difficult without it. See below. 

{ What the section clarifies }

Structural beams, joists, and columns (Sizes and locations)
What this means: you cannot run a duct, sprinkler line, or plumbing trench through these solid (usually concrete or steel) building components.

Ceiling height changes 
What this means: If a ceiling pops up, you cannot run duct work at the same height or it would continue through the wall and *exposed* across the pop-up. Same goes for sprinkler lines. If a beam is running across your ceiling plan, the section might also show this - it would be the opposite of a pop-up and because it's structural, you still cannot run components through it (see above).

Happy Prepping,


  1. MEP? Mechanical Electrical Plan? Just checking. Perhaps I'm reading too much & have too many acronyms in my head! I'm writing the multiple choice as well. (:

    1. Mechanical Electrical Plumbing = MEP :)
      Wow, I admire your drive, lady! I was too much of a wimp to take it all in one weekend! Good luck - you will do great. Everything's whirling around in my head now, too - but once we sit down and focus on one section at a time, I'm sure it will make more sense!

  2. Actually, I don't write it all in one weekend. The new multiple choice exams are two weeks later - thank goodness!

  3. Carolyn, your blog is wonderful and has been a great resource for me and others in my study group! I have a quick question for you - I just took a practice systems integration from 2010 and am wondering if conflict #7 is the plumbing conflict your'e referring to in your tip. The bubble is over the toilet, but for the life of me I can't figure out what the conflict is. Would you be willing to share? Thanks!

    1. Yes! That’s the one! If you refer to the section detail provided, there is a structural beam directly below the toilet on grid-line #2. It is constructed of solid concrete and cannot be drilled for a plumbing trench. In the Codes provided, it notes that you cannot drill a floor core within 18” of a structural column/joist. Since a trench is drilled, I’m thinking the same rule may apply. I’m just reminding myself to consider all of the letters in MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing)! Good luck and so happy I could help!

    2. Thanks so much! After I posted this I went to look at my drawing again and yelled "aha!" as I realized exactly what you were talking about. Never would have gotten that if it weren't for you. Thanks again, and good luck this weekend!
