Saturday, March 30, 2013

Transition time...

... Less prep, more nature. It's officially the ONE WEEK mark! 

{ Part 1: Butterflies and Swimming }

I've found a calming way to nearly eliminate my test anxiety and after practicing it for about 3 weeks, I can confidently say it has healed me! Remember what I said in this post about test anxiety being a habit? Well, to break a bad habit, we must replace it with a good one. Can't quite shake it completely? Begin by following a negative feeling with a positive thought. 

I've been getting random bouts of butterflies in my stomach (nerves, anxiety, surges of bad energy). I thought back to my days as a competitive swimmer. I got butterflies before every race and they were GOOD butterflies. And another thing? Whether I won or not, I would kick some serious booty and usually improve my time. Silly worry. 

Every time I get butterflies, I think of my swim meets. And the memory makes me smile. I find these butterflies to be a surge of strength and happiness now instead of doubt and fear. 

{ Part 2: Swimming and Test Prep }

Because my connection to swimming helped so much with my test anxiety, I've adapted my test prep plan to mimic my pre-championship meet training schedule (which always yielded best times and great swims!). 

Before a big meet, we'd train hard for months (with the hairiest man legs you've ever seen) and taper down two weeks before the meet. I'm entering my "taper week" and doing a lot more relaxing, exercising, and spending time with family/friends/nature. 

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming,


  1. I stumbled upon your blog as I've been preparing for my second go-round on the practicum, and it's helped so much! Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks and thoughts. I'm trying not to freak out again just because I failed the first time - especially about the space planning, which I seem to just have this mental block about I can't shake. I panicked last time, froze, and didn't finish it, which I think threw me off for the rest of the day. Trying to think positive thoughts this week... good luck!

    1. I'm so happy it was helpful for you! Isn't it wild how we completely freeze during the test, but we're otherwise extremely capable and thorough at work with the same exercise?! I passed Space Planning the first time (I took 3.5 hours and sacrificed Lighting AND barely drew in my ADA restroom), but I STILL get really anxious. I found that looking at "model homes", "aging in place" plans, and "universal design" plans helps to get us used to typical layouts. Google them! I swear it gives a totally logical perspective! ;) GOOD LUCK!!
